Sep 19, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

Theatre Major

The Theatre major, in the School of Music and Theatre, is designed to provide a background in theatre studies within the context of a liberal arts education to prepare majors for job related goals or advanced training. Core Courses and co-curricular activities provide students with opportunities to develop artistic literacy through practice, study, and development of an aesthetic appreciation of theatre. The Theatre concentrations allow students to receive specialized training in musical theatre, acting and production. The concentrations strengthen students’ abilities to pursue careers as performers, directors, designers, producers, stage managers, playwrights, and theatre managers. The Theatre major with concentrations also prepares students who wish to continue their education at professional or graduate schools.

MUS 051-058 Performance Class Requirement: All theatre majors must register for Performance Class each semester. This is a 0 credit activity course and therefore does not affect the total hours enrolled each semester. A P (passing) grade based on attendance and performance is necessary every semester for graduation.

THR 345 - Selected Topics  in Theatre Requirement: THR 345  is a study of selected topics not commonly stressed in regular courses. All theatre majors must register for a THR 345  for a specified number of semesters, according to the degree concentration.

THR 100a/100b-400a/400b Theatre Production and Performance Requirement: Theatre Production and Performance provides theatre majors with opportunities to apply classroom content in a practical fashion. All theatre majors are required to enroll in THR 100a and/or 100b (and the upper level equivalents) for a minimum of 6 times during their degree progress. Permission to enroll in THR 100b/200b/300b/400b will be granted through the audition and casting procedure within the theatre department.

Successful completion of one Theatre concentration is required. A student must declare up to one concentration by the end of the second semester of study. Theatre majors are not permitted to minor in Theatre.

Major Requirements

Musical Theatre Concentration (32 semester hours):

Vocal Ensemble

2 credits from:

Acting Concentration (26 semester hours):

Select 12 credits from the following:

Production Concentration (26 semester hours):